Thursday, August 28, 2008

Thoughts After Obama's Acceptance Speech...

Serious and facetious thoughts I have after the Obama's speech tonight:

  • Obama looked older already, just like Presidents look much different after even a single term in the highest office.
  • this speech was the most forceful I had ever heard him. He was practically screaming the entire time. He seemed much more Presidential than ever. (I saved that picture to my computer as, "Obama Snarl")
  • Obama certainly knew where the middle camera right in front of him was! ha. It was kinda weird when it seemed like he was looking right at me...
  • Biden looked out of place. Obama speaks and acts as a visionary politician, but Biden just walked up the stage at the end of the speech to shake Obama's hand and wave to the crowd as if he were crashing a party.
  • Obama had a laundry list of goals. It will be a miracle if he accomplishes all of them.
  • first of two quotes I thought were interesting "We are better than these last eight years. We are a better country than this." Very clever way to dodge the typical view that Democrats think the country is bad and can get better. Obama only said the last eight years are bad.
  • Although I respect Obama's love of his family and his family roots, I felt like he talked about them too much. Maybe he was trying to relate to the general American people to kill the idea that he's a pompous elitist. That's something Obama obviously needs to do. But it just didn't work for me.
  • second and final quote: "What the naysayers don't understand is that this election has never been about me, it's about you." --which of course is very Washingtonian (see a previous post on this blog comparing Washington and Obama)
I would love to hear whatever anybody else thinks in the comments.


Sean Murphy said...

I didn't see the speech but I did read about it in the paper. I thought that it was interesting, But I don't like how in the news paper almost all the talked about was how he was the first African American to get the presidential nomination from any party. They keep repeating it to and I just feel like we know he is black can we get on with the show. I think that they should move past that and start talking about other stuff!

Sanjit said...

First and foremost, the purpose of Obama's relating to his family was threefold. First of all, it was meant to reject the notion that Obama was any sort of celebrity. He also demonstrates his view of what America can provide and why he is so adamant about his educational and social policies; he is a rag to riches story and lived one of the hardest childhood lives that anyone could imagine. Finally, he is using the family image to illustrate that he is a family man.