Thursday, August 28, 2008

On the New Year of Wheeling AP Government Blogging

Wow, I guess there are new bloggers on here! I just realized that Mr. Schwager and all of the 07-08 AP Gov bloggers have been joined by a new group. Welcome to the political blogosphere. This is former WHS student Brian Wilson. I'm still reading this blog, posting comments, and creating my own posts. So I'm looking forward to collaborating with everybody this year.

By the way, this may interest you Mr. Schwager, Cho and I have a class together this year at U of I, Guns & the Law. The teacher reminds me of you and all we do is talk politics of guns so far. It's very fun.

--Brian Wilson


Mr. Schwager said...

That's awesome that you guys are in the same class. Politics of guns? that sounds like a course in Texas, but should be very interesting. With the new class we are just beginning to scratch the surface of class discussions with the intro to the class day, then the shocker AP test.

Take care, and tell Cho I said hello

Sean Murphy said...

that class sounds like fun. The closest I come to that is sociology. all we do is talk about why things are the way they are and if we can fix them

Sean Murphy said...

that class sounds like fun. The closest I come to that is sociology. all we do is talk about why things are the way they are and if we can fix them

Brian Wilson said...

@Mr. Schwager--it's a little bit less Texas-influenced than you would think, the teacher is surprisingly close to neutral. But, yes, he does lean Conservative. Keep us posted on how the class is doing.

And if you ever need to calm the new students down or get them some information from a student perspective about the AP test, I would be willing to write up a post about it any time.

@Sean--the gun class is a lot of fun, I'm very glad I signed up for it.