Thursday, August 28, 2008

2008 Democratic National Convention

FINAL DELEGATE TALLY (roll call ended by vote of acclamation):

Barack Obama 1549
Hillary Clinton 341.5


Brian Wilson said...

I always wonder how these half votes and general screw-ups in our electoral system happen.

Alex said...

I think that the delegates from the the territories count for only half.

Sean Murphy said...

I still think that Obama should ask Hillary to be his Vp just so some neo Nazis dose not try to come and kill obama if he wins the election.

Alex said...

THANK YOU! I thought that he should've asked her as well!

Mr. Schwager said...

If it was just Hillary I think he would have asked her, but you have to remember she brings some baggage with her. She has the ex-President husband who did some unethical things last time he was at the WH. Would you really want him hanging around? Poor Hillary, Bill actions are still undermining her.

Brian Wilson said...

@Mr. Schwager

While that is totally true, I think you've got to look at this from a less political point of view. If you were Barack Obama, would you want a politician almost as powerful (maybe more powerful) than you right down the hall, breathing down your neck all of the time? I know that I wouldn't.

Mr. Schwager said...

Great point. Speaking of what are the Clinton's going to get out of backing Obama? Any thoughts

Sanjit said...

They get the support of the Democrats the next election season she runs. And Alex, lets remember that Hillary said a lot of things that would undermine Obama's campaign as well as she had drastically different opinions on foreign poilcy. Obviously, Hillary would be mroe divisive than the bull moose split of TR.

Brian Wilson said...

But the Bull Moose split created an entirely different party. There were three major factors in that election. Despite her very different views from Obama in some aspects of governance, I don't think the split between her and Obama is bigger than the Bull Moose fiasco.

Mr. Schwager said...

But if Obama wins that will not be until 2016, and Hillary will be too old by then; Did they make the deal with the Party to line up Chelsea for that?

Brian Wilson said...

Why does it seem like all of a sudden America is having these dynasties? Bush/Bush jr. and all Clinton/Hillary running? I doubt after all the problems America has had with those two groups (personally I don't like either, I'm biased towards the middle), do you really think we would elect another Clinton, especially Chelsea who already knows backroom politics? Since "change" and "hope" have become the buzzwords for both campaigns, I really don't think Chelsea is possible.

Alex said...

Sanjit, Biden said things about Obama when he was running. "He's not experienced. He's not ready" It's no different... Does not Biden not undermine Obama's message of "change"? And putting Hillary on the ticket would not have ended with a split in the party. In fact, it probably would have brought the party together even more.

Sean Murphy said...

He might go with some one not even in the focus right now, like McCain did with the lady.