Friday, June 20, 2008

I thought a little humor would be good.

Craig Ferguson: "John McCain revealed his energy plan today. He wants to build 45 nuclear reactors. ... I think it's a good idea. We'll need that extra power to get him up and down the stairs."


Brian Wilson said...

Nice. But I do think that 45 nukes would probably get a good idea in the short term (short term as in about 10 or so years). In the long term (really long term) is their enough plutonium to sustain this "just-build-more-nukes" policy?

Mr. Schwager said...

Unless there is a break through in nuclear technology it is not sustainable for the long term; and that reflects our current energy demand. If our energy demand continues to rise it would shorten the long term sustainability. However, it would give use enough time to further develop and install solar and wind at the more local levels which should decrease a large portion of the demand.

Sean Murphy said...

I think it would be good to. I don't like McCain's political bashing Oboma and he is also talking about his energy plan to.