Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Liberals Outraged By Replacement Of Olbermann, Matthews

The Washington Times notes yesterday's news that MSNBC dropped Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews "as co-anchors of its major political coverage," and adds that "some observers" are "blaming the proverbial 'right-wing conspiracy' for the decision. 'The right dictates MSNBC's programming decisions,' said Salon's Glenn Greenwald on Monday. ... 'The available evidence suggests the right complained enough to make the network act,' observed Steve Benen of the Washington Monthly." The Washington Post's Howard Kurtz also notes that liberal bloggers "denounced the cable channel yesterday for making a change that had long been sought by NBC News veterans, saying MSNBC was caving into pressure from John McCain's campaign and the right wing. ... In the liberal blogosphere, Olbermann -- an occasional contributor to the Daily Kos site -- is viewed as a heroic truth-teller who has now been undermined by network suits whose company is owned by General Electric."

Interesting!! Why would GE do something like this??? What is the Connection


Alex said...

I have always loved MSNBC. From what I have seen, they have a history of being an unbiased news source that presents both sides, much more so than FOX News or CNN (however, there are studies that have shown that FOX is more equal, but whatever). They had Scarborough Country and TUCKER. For some reason they were both cancelled (Joe Scarborough is now in the morning, Morning Joe, which is actually amusing to watch). During the primaries, Olbermann and Matthews were a pretty good team. But I don't know what happened at the conventions. All of this infighting came out of nowhere. I have a feeling that this goes back to the death of Tim Russert. He kept MSNBC in check... I believe that their quality has slipped, but I still like them. With the addition of "the Rachel Maddow Show" to MSNBC's lineup, MSNBC has become a liberal-leaning channel. Who knows...? I hope everything works out.

Sanjit said...

I really dont like that move at all. Olbermann was pretty good. I really miss Tim Russert too. I used to watch him every sunday morning with my dad...now tom brokaw is just no tim russert.