Saturday, August 30, 2008


What does everybody think about Palin? Good/Bad/Ugly?

...let's discuss it in the comments.


Sanjit said...

Personally, I think McCain got passed up by most of the other VP candidates. McCain's arguments about Obama's inexperience seem hypocritical at this point. Palin will be destroyed in the Vice Presidential debates. In adddition, her two years as a governor in Alaska, yes that state with like 5 people, show that she has no experience on teh national or international stage. Obama, Biden, and McCain have all at least visited leaders in other countries, been to Iraq, Afghanistan, and Europe, and Palin has done none of that. As a rule of thumb, the VP not only has to be ready to break ties in the senate but also must be prepared to be commander in chief. Palin is not ready to fulfill that role...not even close.

Another interesting thing is McCain's notion that Palin will take in Hillary's votes. Hillary dedicated a lifetime of service to improving women's rights and allowing them to have better lives, but Palin has two years of experience and has no track record with women. No female will simply vote for Palin because she is a woman, especially because it is obvious that the only reason McCain picked her because she is a women. People today are more informed than that and realize she brings little to nothing to the ticket. Finally, Palin brings nothing to the swing states, no strong endorsements, nothing. Palin will be a very poor choice.

Mr. Schwager said...

Since there are very few conservatives in the class(Matt) I will defend them. Remember Obama is at the top of the ticket and will be President if he wins with very less executive experience than Palin, who will only become President if something happens to McCain. Obama was a state senator for a few years, and Senator for less than one year when he began his run, and since he started his campaign he has been absent for most of the voting, duties and other aspects and experiences of being a Senator. Remember Alaska borders Canada and Russia so Palin has more foreign policy experience than the liberal media ( I am assuming you focus on the liberal media stations, I am not suggestion there is a liberal bias) will give her credit for. Palin fits McCains belief system as someone who is willing to go against the norm to make gov. accountable to the people. She is a strong conservative (small gov., 2nd Amend, Pro-Life) that will solidify the base behind McCain.
"contrast this empty set of resumes with Sarah Palin. In less than two years, in a frontier rodeo which is Alaska politics, she already has a documented trail of stunning achievements. She has forced the reevaluation of oil and gas property, provoked more oil and gas output while spearheading a $40 billion pipeline construction, penned over 300 vetoes to kill pork barrel spending all while ousting corrupt careerist Alaskan politicians from her own party.

In 18 months she has put dollars back into taxpayers' pockets, rejuvenated the petro jobs economy of Alaska, is showing the way for this nation to achieve energy independence and has produced the first genuine reform government since Teddy Roosevelt in New York State. In 18 months, apart from gaining pop stardom, what has Barack Obama done?" Does Sarah Palin have enough experience that matters to be vice president? Well despite it being a work-in-progress, her experience is more than either of the candidates across the aisle. More important it's the kind of experience that matters to regular Joes and Marys everywhere but in Washington, DC whose punditry in residence will never comprehend." From AMerican Thinker 8/31, Geoffrey P. Hunt.

And she is the only Washington outsider if you are really looking for change from the usual Washington opinions.

Remember I am merely defending the conservatives and welcome responses

Brian Wilson said...

I only disagree with your last two points. If people were truly very informed, they would not have elected Bush to a second term. There will be some women who vote for McCain-Palin just because there's a feminine half. While she may not have any experience in womens issues, Palin obviously emphasizes with the feminine condition, and I think that empathy is important to some voters.

Also, another reason that McCain might have picked Palin is to shore up his base support because she is quite conservative.

Brian Wilson said...

that last was @Sanjit

Mr. Schwager said...

I highly doubt that McCain picked her solely because she was a woman and automatically expects women to flock to her. But my sociologist background would lead me to believe that Obama will draw African American votes because he is an African American. SO why wouldn't a viable woman draw intrigue from other women. Especially if McCain wins it lines Palin up for a run to be the first woman President.

Alex S said...
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Alex S said...

I`m curious to see how the Republican Convention will go. Picking Palin was a surprise and many say they`ve never heard of her before, but nobody knew about Cheney either when Bush chose him as VP in 2000 and he turned out to be the most influential VP ever.

Sanjit said...

Ok. It seems like I have a lot of things to write. First of all, in terms of executive experience neither McCain nor Obama have any executive experience, and Palin's two years as governor of the least populated state in the country hardly qualify her as someone who could run a country. If executive experience were truly the pinnacle of concern in this election, the Mitt Romney would be defacto president right now. Palin may have a small amount of foreign policy experience with Canada and Russia, but Canada is already our ally and hardly has any say in the global community in terms of foreign policy. In terms of Russia, she adds nothing to the ticket because McCain already has talked about his stance, and Obama has talked about his. So when it comes to the real foreign policy issues of the day (Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea, Pakistan, Cuba, Venezeula, and the entirity of Africa) she really has no experience whatsoever, while I would at least venture to say that Obama, Biden, and McCain have all been to those areas. While her ousting of corruption in the party is respectable, it does little to hold back the flood of scandals that either party has experienced in the last few years. In terms of oil, she proposes drilling in the Antarctic Wildlife Refuge, which lawmakers will not allow.

While she has been able to effect some change as governor, Obama is limited by the extent of his power. As a legislator, his proposals and ideas depend largely on Congress and teh current president. We all know that gridlock is killing congress right now, and that most of Obama's proposals would be vetoed by Bush anyways. But to focus on Palin, she cannot enact the change needed in Washington, and here is why. Washington needs to be turned around from the inside out, which requires the younger generation of lawmakers to be the ones to step up. Palin hardly has any political weight in Washington, and that is the kind of wieght necessary to change a corrupt or inefficient bureacracy.

All the minute details aside, there is something very interesting about Palin's reaction to being vice president. In a video, she was shown saying something along the lines of how she wants someone to show first and foremost what the VP does on a regular basis. McCain commented that the VP tends to the presidents health...thats a bit outdated. I would also venture out as far as to say that Palin has no shot at being president, only because she is so right wing conservative.

Alex said...

Sarah Palin brings excitement to the Republican ticket. McCain with any other VP would be extremely boring. She is fairly young and brings out the Evangelical Conservatives because of her stance on social issues (abortion, gay marriage, etc). ((I found it interesting that she is even against abortion in the case of rape. Even fair-minded conservatives will allow for rape. She even hunts and eats mooseburgers... Can you say Republican to the max?)) Though I don't agree with her ideology, 2 years executive experience is better than 3 years in the Senate.
"But to focus on Palin, she cannot enact the change needed in Washington, and here is why. Washington needs to be turned around from the inside out, which requires the younger generation of lawmakers to be the ones to step up. Palin hardly has any political weight in Washington, and that is the kind of wieght necessary to change a corrupt or inefficient bureacracy."
Is she not young and part of a new generation? Your point, Sanjit, makes absolutely no sense. Was it not Obama that said we need someone from outside of DC to change it? I mean, that's what he has said; Romney said the same.

Mr. Schwager said...

Alaska is not the least populated state in the Union, and is just a mere 160,000 less than Delaware(Biden). Be sure as you grab information from various sources that you are filtering through common sense and do fact checks, because not everything you hear on TV is true, nor everything in print. Also the bias media on both sides pushes the limits and takes liberties to sway people's opinions.