Friday, August 15, 2008

Obama, McCain To Attend Evangelical Event

USA Today reports Barack Obama and John McCain will "make back-to-back appearances Saturday at an evangelical conference aimed at getting the presidential hopefuls' views on issues dealing with leadership and compassion." The goal "of the forum at the 22,000-member Saddleback Church in Orange County, Calif., is a 'conversation, not a confrontation,' said Larry Ross, a spokesman for Rick Warren, the megachurch's pastor."
Obama Targets Young Evangelical Voters The Washington Post reports in a front-page story that a "growing group of young born-again Christians" are "standing on one of the many generational breaks surfacing in this election cycle." The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life "found that while a majority of young white evangelicals describe themselves as conservative on social issues, slightly more identified this year as either independents or Democrats than as Republicans." These are the "kind of young evangelical voter whom Democratic Sen. Barack Obama has targeted and Republican Sen. John McCain cannot afford to lose."
The Washington Times reports young evangelicals "say Republicans have failed to deliver on the abortion issue, and they are weighing their electoral options this year. Sen. John McCain could be dealt a major blow if the liberal evangelical movement expands and persuades voters to embrace Mr. Obama or sit out the election." Obama, "who is pro-choice, is trying to give such voters a home."

Speaking of separation of church and state; both candidate seem to be courting the religious.

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