Thursday, August 14, 2008

Lobbyists Expect More Business Under McCain Or Obama

In the Washington Post's "On K Street" column, which focuses on lobbyists and lobbying, reporter Jeffrey H. Birnbaum says "attacks from the presidential wannabes" John McCain and Barack Obama "and the likelihood that Congress will become even more Democratic -- read: more activist -- means that many corporate interests will face increased danger next year and will have to employ more of the people whose job is to protect them -- lobbyists." Former Rep. Richard H. Baker, president of the Managed Funds Association, said, "Next year will seem like 10 years." The Post adds that in "anticipation, his group, which lobbies for hedge funds, has more than doubled the number of lobbying firms it normally hires." The Post adds health care "will probably be an early focus, especially if Obama wins."

Oh, what a suprise lobbyists still will have large influence in Washington.

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