Friday, August 22, 2008

An Interesting Internet Government Rolplaying Game

my country

Hey everybody who still reads this WHS AP Gov blog, I found a really interesting political role-playing game today.

Oddly enough, my college roommate, a computer engineering major, showed it to me. This game is essential for anyone who is a political science major and anyone who wants to have political fun.

And also, Mr. Schwager, I think this would be a really good game for your class to debate politics outside class in a fun way. Here's a link to this game I've been describing, which is called Nation States. Players are able to create "regions" which are a sort of self-contained political game map.

My country is basically a tech-head country. It called The United States of Web Two Point Oh, the national animal is the Crawler, the currency is the paypalo, and my roughly motto translates from Latin to English as, "Out of Many Internets, One."

I think this would be a really good educational tool since it is fun, 0nline, and your new students can play the game whenever they want.

I would love to hear what anyone else thinks about this in the Comments.


Mr. Schwager said...

Brian, I did know about the game, but did not have the time to experiment with it to see if it would be worth it. How long have you been playing? and I am not just taking about this time seeing that you posted this at 1am.

Take care

Brian Wilson said...

I just set it up, but it is absolutely amazing. The game sends you "issues" and you have to make a decision what the governments official policy is and then legislation is made to enforce it. I really think one of the cool features is that gamers can pick how often they get issues and e-mail from the game. I have two e-mails coming a day eventually.

By the way, yesterday was my first night here at U of I, so I was getting settled and getting to know my roommate and stuff. Hopefully I will not stay up that late very often. (thanks for the advice on that, though.)

Sean Murphy said...

brain that sounds like a country you would run. It looks interesting