Saturday, March 8, 2008

Candidate Blogging

Just for fun, I went to Barack Obama's and Hillary Clinton's campaign websites. Each of them had a list of all of the social sites (like Facebook, MySpace etc.) they have profiles or pages on.

Barack has profiles on 16 sites compared to Hillary's 6.

I went to all of Barack's sites and counted up that he has roughly 1.1 million "friends" or the equivalent of that on each site. I did the same thing for Hillary's sites and found that she has roughly .330 million supporters, aka 330 thousand "friends."

In my opinion, even though Hillary has a lot fewer sites, Barack clearly beats her by a lot. Barack had approximately 500 thousand more friends on Facebook and 200 thousand more on MySpace, the biggest sites.

What do you guys think about this?

1 comment:

Brian Wilson said...

Just an update: I went to Facebook again and found a page that listed all of their political and official people pages. Barack Obama's page is the most highly "friended" page on Facebook.