Tuesday, February 5, 2008

My Day as an Election Judge...

Well today was crazy to say the least. Waking up super early on Super Tuesday was not fun, but the day turned out to be a good learning experience especially for us young voters who got to experience politics in action. The day for us seemed like an inverse graph of voter turn-out as in the morning there were a lot of seniors that came and towards the evening and closing time there were very few. In out precinct, there were 550 registered with only 150 people that came to vote. However, this is most likely due to weather, our Chamber Park place was very hard to find because there were no signs and people got lost and complained. The other election judges were very nice including Mr. and Mrs. Watts (Mrs. Barret's parents-she is on maternity leave currently). It seemed like 85% of people that voted at our place voted democratic and thus Obama won Illinois, but that was expected.

Thus now we wait for the exciting Super Tuesday results...WOW Huckabee NOT GIVING UP, DID you SEE that coming? Romney not doing so well, but McCain still the front-runner.
And its a fight to the finish between OBAMA and CLINTON. Who will win? Who will lose? What will happen in the upcoming days? It's all hours away...

Lets all PRAY for a SNOW DAY because I have so much homework and we were at the Polling place from 5 AM to 8 PM....Well we will have much to discuss on Thursday because tomorrow we will all be sleeping hopefully!


Sean Murphy said...

We had about just under 30% of the people come out it was an intersting and very long day not sure if it was worth the money they paid us but it was defenatly a learning expreance on what was what and what the voting was about

Sunny Desai said...

It was definitely a great experience. I expect more people to vote in the general election than the primary election. I learned a lot about the voting process and I plan on voting in the general election.